You Might Be Why Your Detailing Business Is Not Growing | Ep. 56
You might be the reason your auto detailing business is not scaling at the rate you thought it would!
Here is what I mean.
In order to grow any business but in this case a detailing business you have to excel at a few things.
These things are branding, marketing, and networking. Most detailers think that they are going good at these things but in all reality they are not looking at their business from the outside looking in. They get trapped on the inside and can't see that their business actually needs work in all three of these categories.
And trust me I have been there. My first ever mobile detailing business sucked. I did not know that my branding was boo boo and that my marketing was pretty much non existent. I thought everything was pretty good just because I spent time creating everything.
And that is where I messed up.
Once I realized that I was probably never going to grow doing what I was doing I really started reaching out to others to get an outside perspective of what they thought of my brand. Their opinions blew my mind and gave me a whole new perspective.
So I pivoted and really focused on making my brand look authentic and unique and focused on putting my business online so that I could be found by potential clients.
This is where my auto detailing business really started to grow.
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